Scientific MusingsAndRamblings


Evolution: Misconceptions Part 1

- - humbugfighter

What is Evolution? 
 Brief Synopsis: The Theory of Evolution explains how life's diversity evolved 3.75 Billion years ago from a single common ancestor. While it is a hugely complex theory backed by a lot of empirical evidence.

There's a whole lot of humbug going around.

 “but it’s just a theory!”
 A Theory in science is an explanation of how something works based on empirical evidence. It's not some guy in a lab coat that imagines something ridiculous and says "Eureka! I have a theory!" It doesn't work that way. Please refer to the scientific method, when you've taken a hypothesis through all the steps and passed, you now have a theory. Scientific Theory is scientific fact.

 "If we evolved from apes, then how are there still apes?" 

We did not evolve from apes, we evolved from a common ancestor that is no longer around.

 "Does evolution explain the origin of life?" 

 No, that is why Darwin's book is titled the Origin of Species. It explains the origin of species. Not life itself. (Hint: No one has the answer to that question.)

 "Is evolution compatible with religion?" 

They are not compatible with each other if you are using religion in order to explain the origin of life and how the universe works. Science is a study of our world and our universe. Facts may change frequently due to new discoveries or new levels of understanding. However, religion is more of a philosophy built upon faith, while science does not require faith. Scientific theories provide a logical explanation of how something works provided with testable proof and research.  If you are religious simply because of morality, there is plenty of scientific evidence that morality's root does not come from superstitious beliefs. If you are religious because you like it, but also accept that one cannot take any religious text literally in it's explanation of Genesis, then I suppose it doesn't matter. I would ask you to question whether or not it's hypocritical to apply the scientific method to parts of your life while rejecting it to excuse other beliefs and behavior, but that's it. 

 “So you expect me to believe life is just random?!” 

 No. Evolution is not random, it is guided through a process known as Natural Selection.

 "If I reject the theory because of my religion, who could it hurt? I have the right to my opinions."

While you do have the right to your own opinion, you do not have the right to your own facts. A fact is a fact whether or not you choose to agree or believe in it. There is no such thing as the act of believing in a fact, it's either accepted or you choose to believe a false alternative that contradicts reality. When that occurs both cannot be true.
Who could it hurt?  If children grow up to believe superstition and grow to be adults that hang on to false beliefs, we no longer have scientific literacy which means we no longer have; cures for diseases, technology of any kind, books, the internet, electricity, safe medical science, space exploration, and any answers to our many questions about who we are, why we're here, and how we got here.

To name just a few.

Here's a helpful explanation of Natural Selection.

  Stop rejecting science and let your brain be dazzled in its wonders!
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