Scientific MusingsRamblings
Why your coincidences are only coincidental
- - humbugfighter
The science
of coincidence
I'm sure all of you know what I'm
talking about, we've experienced coincidences before on different scales and
heard stories about big meaningful coincidences and probably once exclaimed
"What are the odds of that?!"
Well that's
exactly what they are; odds, not oddities.
If you're out with a group of
friends and someone else has the exact same birthday as you and your first
inclination is to say "What a strange coincidence!" and begin
wondering "what it all means." The odds of someone having your same
birthday is a 1 in 365. You have a 99% chance of being in a room with someone
with your same birthday if there are 57 people and a 50% chance if there are 23
Those super rare events with one in
a million odds occur more often than you think in a population of 250 million
people. Let's say a super rare coincidence happens to at least one person in a
million every day, that's 250 coincidences each day, 100,000 coincidences every
year, and would only take approximately 6.8 years to completely recycle through
all 250 million people giving each person a day to have a one in a million
What you're looking at here is
randomness and probability.
You have to look at every other possibility in order to properly assess the probability of the event that did occur.
However, quacks like Deepak Chopra would have you
believe otherwise, that there is no such thing as a coincidence, that whenever
you experience one it is because it bears a direct relationship with a prior
event and was "supposed" to happen. It is easy to walk around saying
that events that have already occurred were "meant" to happen and
look like you know what you're talking about. No one can prove you otherwise or
say it wasn't meant to happen because the event has already happened. This is
the new thing for psychics, it has become too difficult to predict future
events so they will state the obvious about past events and still be convincing
you they have some sort of supernatural ability. It seems that because of the
odds, determinism isn't a one way street, it has several different available
paths, but proving whether or not there is some driving force behind it, meaning,
or that it only appears to have multiple options while we're observing it alone
is going to be a difficult task. There is no such proof and until then, your
coincidence is just a coincidence.
Why do we feel as though our
coincidence isn't just a coincidence?
Cognitive failures are no stranger
to the human brain, patternicity; or seeing patterns and meaningful connections
is a purely subjective experience for the observer.
A type 1 error; believing something
is real when it is not, type 2; believing something is not real when it is. It
is the same evolutionary process in our brains that aided our distant ancestors
for survival, (it’s better to err and assume the sound is a predator in the
woods than to err by assuming it’s just the wind, even if it is just the wind)
It is the same cognition error that explains why there are conspiracy
theorists, religious people, superstitions, and pseudoscience.
For instance, a Buddhist probably would not see the Virgin
Mary in a puddle of water, the same way a conspiracy theorist more often
believes in all or most conspiracies than just one, similarly a Christian may
experience a coincidence only a few hours after praying and think it's a
This means
that every day there are coincidences that you don’t notice and patterns that you
don’t see. While the patterns you do notice may not actually be patterns but
associations made in your brain based on your memory and beliefs.
So maybe our life’s
events are not governed by a master plan having a specific meaning, perhaps it
has as much meaning as you create in your mind. One thing we do know, the fact
that you can create meaning and patterns in your mind is governed by a force
known as natural selection.
While that explains
why we in general believe things that aren't true and deny things that are, the
causing factor in why we assume meaning in something easily explained by math
is probably because of math phobia and a general ignorance of the numbers.
( but that will
be a later post.)
Dinosaurs: Jurassic Bunk!
- - humbugfighter
You probably
won't be able to find a kid that's not the least bit interested in dinosaurs.
They lived
about 201 million years ago and for the most part went extinct about 66 million
years ago. That's almost 150 million years of global domination.
Even with
all the excitement, fossil evidence, and information out there about these
lovable and sometimes scary creatures, there's a whole lot of bunk.
lived along-side dinosaurs, right?
No, humans
did not live anywhere near the time of the dinosaurs.
This false
depiction is caused by something called the "Creation Museum." It's
commonly believed that evolutionary biologists are the ones making this claim
but its actually the complete opposite. Making false claims about humans
coexisting with dinosaurs is a way in which creationists rationalize the age of
the Earth with the age depicted in The Bible.
humans weren't around, there were other mammals and tiny animals that lived
along-side dinosaurs.
Homo sapiens
have only been around for about 200,000 years and the human evolutionary split
from Hominidae to Hominini (our earliest human ancestors) happened about 6
million years ago. While early primates existed about 55 million years ago and
split to the Hominidae about 14 million years ago.
Not even
We've only
been the dominant species for a couple hundred thousand years while the
dinosaurs ruled the planet for a couple hundred million years.
Did an
asteroid wipe out the dinosaurs?
Yes. There
is a lot of "de-bunkers" out their claiming that this is false,
however in very recent discovery scientists have been able to confirm that an
asteroid did in fact make the dinosaurs go extinct as well as some of the other
effects an asteroid impact causes that assisted their extinction as well. They
didn't have their own NASA. It's not that they were unsuccessful in
evolutionary terms, they were more successful than we have been so far, we have
got a long ways to go to win that race.
Did all of
the dinosaurs go extinct?
evolved approximately 150 million years ago from ancient dinosaurs and they
were the ones able to rebound the effects of the asteroid impact and they
continue to evolve into the species we know today that actually come from
dinosaurs. So when you see a bird, you're seeing back into the past of 150
million years of evolution.
Also flying
reptiles (not birds) went extinct with the dinosaurs but they weren't actually
dinosaurs technically just a close relative.
archaeologists dig up dinosaur bones?
is a subdivision of Anthropology and only deals with humans and the last 3-4 million
years. Paleontology is a subdivision of geology and biology and explores
fossils spanning 3.5 billion years.
Did all
dinosaurs live at the same time?
Not all dinosaurs
lived at the same time. There was roughly 1,000 different species of dinosaurs
spanning 150 million years. Some evolved and went extinct and new species arose
all during that time. They all didn't live together. Birds have about 9,000 species
and those species behaved the same way so you're looking at roughly 10,000
different species that spanned 150 million years all at different times.
There are
several other species of prehistoric animals that weren't birds or dinosaurs.
dinosaur mean "terrible lizard?"
It means
"fearfully- great lizard." Even Wikipedia lies sometimes.
Was the
T-Rex Elvis of the dinosaurs?
dinosaurs are usually depicted as the toughest dinosaur in the bunch, while
they weighed 10,000 pounds and were ferocious creatures, they had to chase down
really fast running vegetarian dinosaurs in order to actually eat anything. In
prehistoric times you had greater chances of survival if you were a vegetarian
than if you were a carnivore, a lot of T-Rex's had short life spans.
Robot Uprisings: Where is Sarah Conner and her warning of the future?
- - humbugfighter
Robot Uprisings and Robot Humbug
You've all
seen the movies, Robin Williams will become so close to human he'll start
demanding equal rights, Sarah Conner will warn us of our impending
nuclear/robotic doom because of information from a time travelling soldier, and
Will Smith will hate the robots so much for ruining his new pair of converse that he will stop the robot uprising
all by himself.
There is one thing that these things have in common: (yes
obviously robots, but something else) Artificial Intelligence; without that
these little hunks of metal wouldn't be smart enough to want to kill us
So what is Artificial Intelligence really?
Meet its father: Alan Turing
Alan Turing: a British computer scientist and
mathematician and all around bad ass. He invented the Turing machine: a
hypothetical device to simulate computer algorithms, he also designed
"ACE" the first design for a stored-program computer, he was also a
war hero and brilliant code-breaker, but he was also something else; a
homosexual, which is how he wound up in prison and ultimately killed himself
with cyanide before his 42nd birthday.
Even with all of his hardships and badassery he did
ask a really important question: "Do computers think?"
He devised a method called "The Turing Test"
to prove whether or not a computer was thinking.
The test was interesting because it was based on an
observer’s perception of the machine, if an observer couldn't tell whether or
not what they were communicating with was a human or a computer, therefore the
computer must be thinking, if they could tell it was a computer, then it didn't
You can thank this guy for all the artificial
intelligence breakthroughs, research, and sci-fi awesomeness.
Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer
science that deals with making technology seem more human, giving it
realistic effects and a personality, but also dealing with the nature of
consciousness and asking...
"Will machines acquire a
consciousness like our own?"
The answer to that is: We.. really don't know.
We haven't been able to prove that we have a soul or a separate "thing" that makes us different and if we don't then
robots are like us, made from different elements and "intelligently
So the only thing that truly separates us from
intelligent robots is whether or not we possess some sort of ghost, soul, or consciousness
that makes us somehow superior.
Are they going to kill us all?
Turing thought this fear was a silly argument rooted
in man's egoism and want to believe in his own superiority. We're just afraid
of not being the "smartest". That fear is irrational because our
capacity to create intelligence that exceeds our own is marvelous.
Similar to fearing death via aliens, it's all rooted
in the same fear of human inferiority. I don't see a practical reason for
anything or anyone to kill us all.
Will robots take all of our jobs?
Only the ones you wouldn't want, but don't expect to
see a bunch of humanoid robots running around the streets. Expect to see them
as they are today; gargantuan robotic assembly lines, manufacturing everything, perhaps robot assisted surgeries to prevent those pesky human errors, and
of course, robotic spaceflight because they don't quite die as easily as
What would it mean to humans?
We have come a long way, perhaps even further in the
field of robotic extensions for humans with disabilities etc. We've also
designed programmed intelligence like Siri for the iPhone, she
doesn't "really" have a personality but she's programmed by people that
do. We also have full sized robots that are so endearing and lovable you could
forget it’s a machine. However, no such machine has passed the Turing test
but if it's possible for artificial intelligence to mimic human features like a
capacity to love, having emotions, thoughts, dreams etc. (Thanks Isaac Asimov)
then perhaps this will help us to finally understand some of the greatest
mysteries of ourselves.
Carl Sagan
once said "We are a way for the cosmos to know itself."
Perhaps artificial intelligence or man-made intelligence will be
our way of knowing ourselves.
Science Denial: A reflection on rejection
- - humbugfighter
The science of anti-science
Debunking bunk about non-bunk that is
perpetuated as bunk
Skepticism luckily keeps science honest but
outright science denial is a step outside skepticism to absolute denial of
reality even when faced with evidence proving otherwise. For example;
evolution, climate change, vaccines, AIDS, archaeological evidence for ancient
civilizations, space exploration, etc. are just a few examples of some of the
types of science that is commonly denied.
The real issue is that it is easy immediately dismiss the
people who deny that AIDS exists or deny that we landed on the moon, but that
it's difficult to dismiss people who deny vaccines, climate change,
archaeology of ancient civilizations, and sometimes evolution.
It's difficult because they're everywhere, it is
alarmingly popular.
The belief that climate change is a hoax seems
to be not rooted in any actual argument but for political motivations; that
somehow if we all agreed we'd be taxed as a way to solve it (which is a leftist
perspective) and fear of those implications means throwing out the science all
together (which is a rightist perspective). The real problem with this is the
fact that politics should take no place in the realm of science. Similar to the
billions in bailouts paid by the U.S. taxpayer to fund alternate energy
companies who in turn just went bankrupt as committed by the current (left)
administration, just as the left pushes to take away certain freedoms and think
forcing the tax payer to pay for something that has no current monetary value
in solving will somehow solve the whole issue, the right wing side or former
administration replaced scientists with lobbyists for the oil industry to fund
research on the denial of climate change and then claimed that it
"wouldn't alter the results".
There is no "correct" answer to the
issue of climate change from either sides of the political spectrum because
they're both wrong simply because it's political.
Vaccinations hold the same merit, as long as a
few celebrities are willing to risk their entire careers being against a
science that has saved millions of lives, claiming it is causing an autism
epidemic. So instead of looking at the facts or talking to your doctor, you're
willing to risk your child catching a disease because you don't want to
"risk" your child developing a disorder that they're not really at
risk for.
Or when the History channel (claiming to be
about actual history) airs hour long segments of UFOLOGY and ancient alien
theories to somehow "debunk" the non-existent bunk surrounding the
fact that human beings figured out a way to build something that seems unusual
to us, so we must revert to the most absurd assumption possible and claim that
extraterrestrials built them for some unknown reason.
Are republicans responsible for science denial?
There is science denial on both sides of the political spectrum.
denial, nuclear energy safety denial, and genetically modified foods safety
denial seem to be semi isolated in the realm of the political left with some
historical denial thrown in.
evolution and climate change denial seem to be semi isolated in the realm of
the political right with some historical denial thrown in. The common belief
that all anti-science solely comes from the right is also bunk that comes from
the left.
These individuals believe these claims because
they're more "fun" than believing the facts and believe them with
absolutely little or no convincing, while it could take a lifetime of factual
convincing just to get them to consider the other option.
They may seem as if they're only a few steps
away from understanding because of their ignorance in certain scientific
premises, which is true.
(An example would be denying global warming
because the sun will "burn out" like a log fire. A simple
understanding of nuclear fusion (should) change that person's perspective.)
But there is something else entirely that is
going on in the minds of these people.
Why are these people so crazy?
A psychological explanation:
Denial is a psychological defense mechanism (as
stated by Freud) that even when you're faced with the facts and even when you
understand the facts you still revert to some un-provable rationalization
because you simply don't "want" to believe it.
I want you to think of this the next time you
have a conversation with someone and they are making these outlandish claims
and once you've provided the facts for them, they still are absolutely ignorant
to the facts, then understand they have a psychological disorder.
They simply cannot accept reality because it is
too painful to them, it is too painful for someone to accept that the Bible may
have got it wrong on creation or that the world is just a little more complex
that you'd like to think and this is too much for you to emotionally handle.
An evolutionary explanation:
In early humans; our brains made quick
assumptions based our positive or negative feelings about something or someone.
Our brains are programmed to apply fight-or-flight reflexes not only about
people or predators but also data. This is basically also the reason for our
capacity to believe in things that are not true. (as explained in a previous
We needed to make quick assumptions to avoid
predators while having limited amounts of information. However useless it is
that our brains still do this, the fact is your brain doesn't really know the
difference between rationalization or reasoning. You feel before you think, and
basically any argument you have with no preparation is an argument on feeling,
whether or not your feeling is rational or irrational. Politics is the hidden
persuader in anti-science, (i.e. fear of nuclear war, therefore fear of nuclear
science.) Politics sway people by the emotions in the same way that early
humans were swayed emotionally by their environmental stimuli.
How do you solve this problem?
Convincing someone who is anti-science may be
easier than you think. It could basically require you demonstrating the
faultiness in human perception. Show them an optical illusion and explain the
reality of it, explain what is going on in their brain and make it fun. Then
explain the purpose of science and how science is a method and process in which
we weed out any possible interference with human perception and our emotional
assumptions. Then explain why people can believe in things that are false.
Then.. get to your original point and show the data. There may be a chance that
this particular individual may consider for a brief moment that they were
wrong. This approach may not work because this seems to happen only if the information is
being spoken about on a large scale and repetitive. Similarly in the evolution
in early humans, if the rest of my group that protects me decides to believe
something else, I will too, for fear of rejection from the group.
Politics is a method that continues to keep
science tribal.
If you get science out of politics and keep
tribalism out then you won't have several different "tribes" of
people cherry picking the facts and denying the ones they don't like. (The very
people who vote, whom make decisions that affect lives of others, whom are in
charge of funding research to advance and improve the lives in human
Science is for everyone and it is here to help
us truly understand our world and better our lives and the lives of our future
The biggest mistake
Try not to be abrasive in communicating with
these individuals.
If you aren't one of these people then you're
most likely infuriated when speaking to one of these people, because you
emotionally cannot fathom why anyone would be so ignorant to reality.
Here's the issue, you must be the one whom takes
the high road if you want to see less anti science and the reason is this;
If the basis for science denial relies on our
early human's survival needs to deal with threats, then abrasiveness will only
keep that emotion going. A scientific understanding of why people think this
way is important to know, because now you know how to take your own emotions
out of the argument and understand that if you possess a human brain then you
are every bit capable of the same thinking patterns.
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap: Sweatshops
- - humbugfighter
Sweatshopping Bunk
are defined by the U.S. department of labor as a factory violating 2 or more
labor laws.
Just to be
clear, not all "Sweatshops" are actually sweatshops.
Most of you
may agree with one or both of the next two popular opinions:
(the leftist
approach) Making
things overseas is slave labor that forces foreigners to sew together your
shoe's for 15 cents while the company reaps the benefits, don't buy anything
from them if you want to be a good person!
rightist approach) Sweat shops take away needed American jobs and give it to
other countries and we need those jobs, we're in a recession here!
Here's some
reasons why you both may be wrong;
100 years
ago in America, 75% of all the jobs were in the field of food production
Which means
that soon after, 75% of all the jobs in America were gone!
We lost those jobs!
During the
industrial revolution we created new technology and new means of earning an
income! We had steel rails, cars on assembly lines, etc. Had we not "lost
75% of all the jobs" we would literally be a 3rd world country
You would
probably not be reading this right now!
(righters) "losing" jobs to poorer countries is good for us, it frees
up the workforce for new types of business and new advancement in technologies
which mean new things to invest in, which means economic growth, higher wages,
and better working conditions!
Why should
poor people have to make all of our stuff so we can stay here and keep getting
scenario) Without that shoe factory somewhere in New Guinea, the people of that
nation would have absolutely zero means to purchase clothing, food, and any
sort of housing. By bringing industry to a third world country, we are
completely transforming their landscape. The landscape doesn't look like
America today, but it looks closer to America less than 100 years ago, instead
of an America 500 years ago or more.
Money is
valued differently depending on which country you are in, a country with no
economy basically, a whole dollar goes a lot further than a technologically
advanced economy like America, where we are advanced enough for debt.
So (lefties)
sweat shops paying 25 cents a day to a third world worker is actually
beneficial to their lives and community than if the factory didn't exist at
There is
one issue though:
conditions in these factories can be absolutely inhumane similar to America's
working conditions and child labor 100 years ago. With the help of the
industrial revolution, Henry Ford choosing to pay people a livable wage, and
worker's unions, workers in America have certain rights to an environmental
standard. Third world workers do not, while it is not directly "our"
fault that they have poor working conditions but the fault of those richer
people in the country who choose to treat their own workers either well or
poor, it is still something we should consider since we put the factory there
to begin with, that factory is ours and what goes on inside should matter to
there are benefits to third world countries from moving manufacturing overseas,
there are extreme benefits to our own economy and the private businesses that
do so.
It is by
accident that third world workers benefit at all.
Even if the
working conditions in overseas factories are not up to our standards, it's
still way better than their previous working conditions (i.e. working in fields in 100 degree weather for 12 or more hours a day, for half the pay)
In America;
We have a
huge human trafficking and slave labor problem inside the U.S. right now.
We should
absolutely do our best to make sure that working conditions are legal in the
As for
overseas factories, we could also do more to improve working conditions as
We have
thousands of sweatshops on our own soil right now, let's deal with those
because in America, there are no worse working conditions than that and we have
certain laws to abide by.
Draw your
own conclusions
factories aren't necessarily pure evil but they're not all that altruistic
If you feel
guilty thinking about poor working conditions enough to not buy certain brands
and end up spending more money, that's fine.
If you feel
good about yourself by purchasing that brand knowing that at least some child
is being fed because of it, that's also fine.
No matter
how bad you think they are it is factually an improvement of the situation that
existed without it.
You're both
wrong about why you think what you think. The rest is a matter of opinion.
They benefit
the people and it outweighs the option of not having them, it's just that those
benefits may not be good enough for you and that is when it's a matter of
The search for life in the universe: Will Jodie Foster receive an alien phone call?
- - humbugfighter
How are scientists searching for life in the
You may have seen the movie Contact, adapted from Carl Sagan's book in which a young female scientist receives a radio transmission from the star system "Vega" and the struggles of proving her extraterrestrial contact and being a female in her field go on from there.
Unfortunately Jodie Foster receiving an alien transmission will probably not be the way we find other life in our universe.
SETI is a privately funded group of astronomers still listening for radio signals to this day from intelligent lifeforms, but this may or may not turn up any good news. It is extremely unlikely that if any intelligent life forms are close enough to reach with a radio transmission, that they would even be able to retrieve the transmission because of the inverse square law. All of our radio signals have become indistinguishable only a few light years away from Earth.
We keep listening just in case they're advanced enough to send signals to us that don't degrade over long distances.
Lucky for us, the real science of searching for life is much more promising than that
Here are the
ways we are exploring possible life in our universe today:
The most promising efforts are that of the exoplanet search performed by the Kepler mission:
It's a mission searching for habitable planets that may host life. It will also explore the diversity of other types of planets, allow us to map different solar systems in the Milky Way, and determining how long it would take to travel to these promising planets. So far Kepler has discovered 3,000 possible exoplanets since its launch in March, 2009.
How do they detect these planets?
The gas giants are much easier to find because the telescope can pick up on their orbit which has a 10% probability of detection, but earth-sized planets in the habitable zone is about a .5% chance of seeing it, because we have to catch the planet in orbit at just the right time when it's orbiting in front of its sun, facing us.
This probability of the orbit being aligned is equal to the diameter of the star divided by the diameter of the orbit.
Kepler will detect planets in from of a sun in order to measure the planet's diameter while scientists are able to measure the Doppler effect of the star in order to measure the planets mass.
What is the Doppler effect?
If you've heard an ambulance drive past you, do you remember the change in pitch as it passed you? It became higher closest to you then lower as it departed.
This effect that any type of waves have on an observer is the same way we detect exoplanets. Planets produce the same effect when orbiting its sun, the sun will actually wobble and scientists calculate this wobble with extreme precision to determine the planet's mass, which will determine its classification of being a gas or solid rocky planet.
What about other life in our own solar system?
Well we certainly know there isn't any "intelligent" life within our own solar system besides us. But we are currently searching for evidence that any life forms either exist today or once existed when the other planets were more habitable in their past.
Prospecting Mars
We send rovers to mars to study the planets history, geology, structure, and atmosphere.
Scientists have discovered salty water deposits as well as geographical evidence that Mars was once a warm and liquid water covered planet.
With a future mission to send humans to Mars, this will actually confirm the answer to our questions about this possibility.
Prospecting Europa
Jupiter's moon Europa has a surface made up of ice, however due to tidal flexing from Jupiter's gravity has caused Europa to heat up under it's surface caused by friction. Recent discoveries proving this hypothesis to be true is we've been able to observe water reaching to the top of the surface. This means if we send a robot to explore Europa, it probably won't have to drill through miles of its solid icy surface. It also has a small atmosphere consisting mainly of oxygen. Europa is a great prospect for extraterrestrial life elsewhere in our solar system.
Jupiter's moon Europa has a surface made up of ice, however due to tidal flexing from Jupiter's gravity has caused Europa to heat up under it's surface caused by friction. Recent discoveries proving this hypothesis to be true is we've been able to observe water reaching to the top of the surface. This means if we send a robot to explore Europa, it probably won't have to drill through miles of its solid icy surface. It also has a small atmosphere consisting mainly of oxygen. Europa is a great prospect for extraterrestrial life elsewhere in our solar system.
There are several other places in our solar system to look for life's precursors for instance scientists have spotted them on Titan and discovered that Mercury may have also contained liquid water in its early life. There will probably be a mission to visit Europa in the future.
Why look for life on other planets?
Even proof that single celled organisms live elsewhere in our solar system would be able to get us astronomically closer to understanding our own origins. Discovering other advanced intelligent life would change our place in the universe significantly.
Even proof that single celled organisms live elsewhere in our solar system would be able to get us astronomically closer to understanding our own origins. Discovering other advanced intelligent life would change our place in the universe significantly.
Considering there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe that we can know about and about 100 billion stars inside of each galaxy that may contain millions of diverse planets and some of those planets might be small enough and a certain distance from its sun that creates habitable temperatures and perhaps those thousands of possible habitable planets had asteroids hit them containing life's building blocks and those organisms adapted and evolved into something greater over millions of years, means there's a great possibility of life on other planets. Finding the little organisms is the first step in identifying ourselves and our place in the universe.
Learn about Jupiter!
- - humbugfighter
Jupiter is awesome
... and clearly, you should learn about
Jupiter is a pretty cool planet;
(- 145 degrees Celsius or -234 degrees
Fahrenheit to be exact)
It's the 5th planet from our Sun and the
largest in our solar system. If you were to combine the mass of all the other
planets in our solar system, Jupiter's mass would still be 2.5 times greater.
It has 317.8 times more mass than the Earth, but only 1/4 of Earth's density.
Its composed of gas and liquid
matter,the entire atmosphere is about 75% hydrogen and 24% helium with 1% left
over of other elements by mass and its atmosphere is the largest in the solar
system, reaching over 5,000 km in altitude.
Jupiter's clouds are only 50 km thick, they are made up of ammonia crystals, beyond that you're looking at just a lot of hydrogen and helium.
Inside of Jupiter it is thought that it
has a dense rocky core with a layer of liquid metallic hydrogen, but it has no
surface.. because at it's inner core it has 10 times the surface pressure of
Earth. The metallic hydrogen inside Jupiter is thought to be the reason why it
has a magnetic field 14 times stronger than Earth.
It is thought to have formed like
the other planets from the solar nebula ( the ring of dust and gas left over
from the formation of the Sun.) The reason why in the inner solar system we
have rocky planets and further out we have gas giants is because any closer to
the sun and it would be too warm for icy materials to remain solid.. which
would be why the outer planets are so huge! This line separating these planets
is called the frost line and it's right between Mars and Jupiter.
The Giant Red Spot is a 350 + year long
storm that's been brewing and it's about the size of two Earths in diameter,
but it's shrinking... who knows.. one day it may actually disappear.
But here's a few things you didn't know;
Jupiter has three rings! (Gossamer, Main,
and Halo)They are extremely thin and not very visible like Saturn's because
Saturn's rings are ice which reflect light a lot more.
It has 67 moons! (or "natural satellites")
The four largest were discovered by
Galileo ( Europa, Io, Ganymede, and Callisto)
If you went to Jupiter (don't..because you
can't) you'd weigh more than twice as much because of it's tremendous
gravitational pull.
Why should you be thankful for Jupiter?
Jupiter's strong gravitational pull causes
a lot of asteroids that might have hit Earth, to hit Jupiter instead, thanks
The Meaning of Life: A Scientific Approach
- - humbugfighter
meaning of life: A scientific approach
It all starts with asking a few philosophical
questions, such as
“What is this life all about” and “Why am I here?”
Humanity has been searching for
the answers for thousands of years but the questions concerning the meaning of
life seem to come from gazing at the stars.
Ancient Greece, philosophers like Plato followed by Aristotle asked these very
same questions and they were on a quest to try to explain the meaning of
existence. In trying to do so they turned to the night sky, they thought if
they could explain the natural world and our significance in the universe, they
could explain the meaning of life. You could say this was probably the birth of
science. Throughout human history people have used religious beliefs to explain
the significance of their existence, from an idea that the answer to those
questions will be revealed to you by a supernatural force. This view point is
still wildly popular today and people still turn to religions that claim to
have all the answers. Holding the idea that what you believe on faith and your
behavior in regard to your beliefs provide the significance. One thing these
religious answers have in common is the belief and reliance on the afterlife.
Religion and science were born
from the same questions but do not exist for the same reasons.
You might feel like a scientific
approach to the meaning of life is bleak and dull, depressing and confusing.
Allow me to convince you that it is much more marvelous than you think.
Science is built upon asking
questions; in fact that is what the scientific method is all about, asking the
right questions and following a process that weeds out your “emotional desire”
for the outcome as well as the faults of human perception, so that whatever the
answer may be, it’s a factual answer. Science is based on one belief; that
reality is worth understanding, that knowing the truth is better than believing
a lie, that searching for the real answer will always bring about more
marvelous and amazing answers than trying to keep the world small. So you must
carry one belief around with you; the belief in truth. From there it is all
scientific testable theory.
Religion claims to have all the answers but does not provide evidence, it urges to you deceive yourself in fear of a painful afterlife and discourages any attempt to continue understanding our universe, while denying any new discoveries of that understanding if the facts contradict the beliefs.
The significance in discovering our origins:
Ancient civilizations tried to
answer the mystery of our origins by explaining the phenomena of the natural
world with the use of all powerful beings. When trying to explain something no
one else understands, it is comforting for a little while to assume there is
someone much smarter than you out there controlling the universe. Modern
religion has evolved from this notion commonly with the help of a few human
beings claiming to be of supernatural origin with supernatural powers.
Supernatural VS. Reality
Supernatural explanations for the
origin of life and the universe are far more common and have been around much
The reason for a supernatural
explanation for our origins and life’s meaning is simply this; humans turn to
supernatural understandings at the limit of their own intelligence.
We are programmed by our genetic code to do so, in an earlier edition I discussed why we are capable in believing things that are not true. That explanation applies here.
We are programmed by our genetic code to do so, in an earlier edition I discussed why we are capable in believing things that are not true. That explanation applies here.
Let’s say we scientifically explain the origin of life and the universe, should we then abandon
those beliefs because now our intelligence is not as limited? Should we change
our minds because we now have new information and evidence? Yes.
How has science brought us closer to answering the big
We have been able to trace our
origins back millions of years in which we have discovered that life changes over
long periods of time guided by a process called Natural Selection. Yet we are
still working on how life got to Earth in the first place and we are extremely
close to figuring that out.
That still leaves us with more
Is there other life in the
universe? If life got here somehow, where did it originate? Is the universe
finite or infinite? Why did the big bang occur? Will the universe ever end?
Oh.. the questions go on and on.
What is wonderful is how close we
are to answering them. Through asking these questions and taking a scientific
approach, accepting the evidence for how the universe works the way it does, we
have discovered and been able to explain some really complex stuff.
Neuroscience has come far by
studying the psychology of meaning, death anxiety, consciousness, and the
origins of morality and happiness, etc.
Astrophysicists have been able to
answer the question that the universe had a beginning and that it’s expanding
rapidly, they are currently looking for other planets capable of containing
life, studying the potential fate of the universe, and working on a unified
field theory to bring together quantum mechanics and general relativity. They
are closer than ever before in understanding how matter on a microscopic level came
into existence and some theoretical physicists are working on figuring out the
possibility of multiple universes and string theory.
Biologists have explained the
origins of the variety of species on our planet and are still trying to answer
the questions of how life began on Earth, through that process they have
answered many questions explaining certain phenomena in human behavior and
helped us to better understand ourselves.
You’re probably considering how
complex all these questions have come and that it may be pointless to examine
this any further, it’s easier to believe in the supernatural.
However, I ask that you consider
the following;
What if there is no such thing as
an afterlife? What if this is your only life?
Would you want to waste it in
delusion just because it makes you feel better right now?
If you’re wrong about it, seems
like a shameful waste.
To quote Carl Sagan:
“We make our world significant by the courage of our
questions and by the depth of our answers.”
This is what science has come to
for now, we are in the moment where we cannot currently define what life is all
about, but we live in a much more exciting time, we get to be
the ones who will discover it.
A scientific approach to life takes
bravery and fearlessness, it is not a bleak and cold view of life, it is the understanding that life is beautifully complex and it matters whether or not something is actually true. It is so marvelous, complex, and wonderful, we have been given a
brief moment to experience it’s awe and beauty with the capacity to try to
understand it for future generations.
Throughout Sagan’s work he
explains the purpose in science and how to cope with letting go of
delusions and accepting reality for what it is.
“The truth may be puzzling. It may
take some work to grapple with. It may be counter-intuitive. It may contradict
deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want
to be true. But our preferences do not determine what’s true”
What if the purpose for us right now is to use our abilities and our fantastic minds to understand just how complex and awesome reality actually is? Understand that no one has been given any superior knowledge to what you know. No one knows the answers for certain., but if we hold onto delusions, that will prevent us from ever knowing.
Once we accept the truth that we don't know and humble ourselves from the heights of delusional certainty, maybe one day we can unravel life's mysteries together.