Scientific MusingsAndRamblings


Debunking NASA Humbug!

- - humbugfighter

Debunking Myths about NASA

Approximately 46% (maybe more in recent years due to the recession) believe that NASA does not justify its funding and it should be cut, according to a Gallup Poll.

Let’s clear the air about publicly funded space exploration:

Instead of just listing the myths and explaining why they're untrue, I want you to see actual quotations from arguments made by the 46%.These are actual quotes and rhetorical questions found in online debates and threads.

“It’s way too expensive! It costs 50% of every dollar we spend on our taxes!”

It costs half of a penny on every dollar spent in our federal budget.

It’s surprisingly inexpensive considering how much NASA benefits the economy by adding hundreds of thousands of the highest quality and highest educated jobs in the country, the private sector is benefited through the discoveries of new technologies and the sale of patents to NASA’s technology. It also has yielded a return of 5 – 10 dollars on every dollar spent on NASA. (There are many differences in opinion on what return it yields, the fact that it yields any is justification enough.)

4% of the total federal budget of 3.4 trillion was devoted to NASA.

“With the debt America has, NASA is not our priority.“

When you’re in a recession; with rising unemployment, falling job creation, and huge debts while the federal government increases spending on social welfare programs, it would actually benefit the economy if NASA’s budget was doubled tomorrow  and here's why:

NASA creates, discovers, and engineers new technologies that add to the innovation of the private sector, not only would it create some of the best quality jobs in the world and build an incentive for education and scientific literacy, which would benefit our economy greatly and not add only minimum wage jobs but highly paid positions, it would create more jobs in the private sector and ignite more entrepreneurship opportunities.

With a deficit like ours, it should be our top priority to increase wealth opportunities and value in order to repair our economy. Too many uneducated people whom don’t understand how to fix the crisis are in charge of fixing the crisis, that’s why it’s not getting done.

“Instead of finding another planet to live on when we destroy this one, why don't we try to save this one.”

NASA is doing just that. On the international space station, astronauts are doing quite a lot to understand the changes in our climate and testing new science in order to attempt to find new ways of reducing our carbon emissions. They have helped engineer the best solar panels in the world, they also have engineered an energy efficient method to filter the absolute cleanest water in the world. Astronauts do a lot of charity work for third world countries, sharing this technology with them to benefit them. If anyone is going to “save this planet” it will be the scientists at NASA. They also give us advanced warning of natural disasters that can be seen from space very early on. For example, hurricanes that are beginning to form, they study a lot about our Earth in order to prevent the loss of life and to understand our planet more.
That's just one example of several projects trying help the planet.

“we got more important things to do.....OK, seriously? We don't immediately need another planet to live on another 5 billion years, and come on, what about our ever-escalating national debt? How about education, poverty, world poverty, cancer research, hospitals etc.... With so much to worry about do we really need to worry about space right now?”

I think I can cover all that;
First; we have a climate crisis on our planet that may become dangerous to our species before the death of our sun… and if we can fix that somehow we still have to worry about 5 billion years from now. We are half way through the life of the Sun. That’s a big deal.

Second; Cutting NASA’s budget would not help the national deficit. It would actually hurt the economy more.

Third: On Education; 
Thanks to NASA,  PUBLICLY FUNDED SPACE EXPLORATION, everyone has access to the educational benefits provided by NASA, without NASA we’d be even more scientifically illiterate, which would lower the jobs in the country that have the highest quality, contribute the most, and pay the most.

Fourth: On Poverty;
For every $1 spent on NASA, the federal government spends $98.00 on social welfare programs.

If you were to cut social welfare program spending by only 1% you could double NASA’s budget.

Welfare programs are where the vast majority of tax spending goes. Considering the many loopholes and abuses in the system, there is probably more money spent on people who receive benefits fraudulently than what NASA takes in.

Fifth: On cancer research;

Had a breast exam lately? Thank NASA. 

Click this link for a page that shows exactly how NASA has contributed to cancer research. You might be surprised and amazed.

“I used to support NASA and thought it was well worth the money but now the spend more time debunking end of the world rumors and chastising us all about a non-existent global warming problem. I say shut them down and take the money to pay down the debt. The excitement has worn off and private companies can do space exploration more efficiently. We are NOT going to run out of raw materials to feed and house humans so there is no reason to look for another place to colonize. That's just ignorant.”

First; Science is supposed to debunk myths, thank you.

Second: Global warming is a real issue, there is a lot of empirical evidence backing science’s claim. Many skeptics have tried debunking global warming but to no avail. NASA is actually on the forefront of trying to help solve the dangers that global warming poses. (If you still don't believe in global warming, worry not I will spend extra time convincing you in a later post.)

Third: Which private company sent a man to the moon? Which private company sent several rovers on Mars and landed them successfully? Which private company is that again? 

There are many private companies with big ideas out there which is great! NASA is actually the reason for the birth of private companies in the field of space flight and exploration. They sell their patents to the technology those companies need in order to operate their business. I assure you they aren't better, so far no private company has outdone what NASA has. 

Fourth: We will run out of resources eventually and thanks to NASA and their help in the private sector, we will eventually figure out how to mine asteroids for their plentiful natural resources.

Fifth: NASA is not solely trying to find another planet to colonize they do much more than just that.

Here are some of NASA’s projects that you probably didn't know about;

The Aquarius Mission is a satellite that will scan oceans for saltiness in order to understand climate change on a global scale. It is a first in research of water cycles.
The Juno Mission is a probe to scan Jupiter to understand how the gas giant came into existence and how it effects our own planet.
The Chandra X-Ray Observatory: We can see a lot more in space than any telescope; how about being able to see the split second particles disappear into a black hole.
The International Space Station (you've all heard about it, but probably don't know it's purpose) not only does it help study our Earth, study climate change, and has the most energy efficient and advanced robotic technology together in one place from the collaboration of several other countries, but it's direct purpose is to improve human being's ability to be in space for extended periods in time. Private companies may be planning manned missions to Mars, but without NASA opening up new possibilities for prolonged space flight due to the adverse effects space has on the human body, they will never get there alive. Since 1998, we've had a permanent home in space.
NASA has also been using EOS satellites to monitor Ozone layer depletion since the early 90s.
Dawn, an asteroid orbiter.
Cassini, a Saturn orbiter.
New Horizons, a probe on it's way right now to Pluto.
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, orbiting the moon.
Messenger, orbiting Mercury.
The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope; This one is awesome, it's going to help us understand our accelerating universe, the early universe, and dozens of other highly significant discoveries. Its complexity far outreaches a few sentences.
Solar Dynamics Observatory will observe the Sun for 5 years and learn about radiation and information about how our sun was born.

The Kepler Mission is a spacecraft currently designed to detect other Earth-like planets orbiting similar suns. We have found numerous exo-planets which will not only help us to understand how our solar system was formed, but also help us to possible find life on other planets, and also provide us with a new place to call home one day.

That's just a few of the current ones.
 I have barely scratched the surface in the ways NASA has contributed to mankind as a whole. NASA is a beacon of inspiration and it may have fallen off the map in the last few years, not because they haven't had any groundbreaking achievements, but because its budget has been slashed due to all the humbug going around about the organization.
Double NASA's budget now.
Not only does humankind need it, but our economy does too.

(Just for the record NASA is not hiding evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, otherwise we wouldn't spend years and money developing complex robots to detect micro-bacterial life. NASA also really landed on the moon, how could we land a rover on Mars, but not have the technology to get to the moon? I've spent enough time on those outrageous claims.)

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Beyond Belief: Into the heart of a skeptic

- - humbugfighter

What is skepticism?

Skepticism is holding a questioning attitude towards anything perpetuating itself to be a fact.

While it is a philosophical approach that some suggest is a viewpoint that questions how knowledge is obtained, limitations of knowledge and the human capacity to “know” and perhaps that there is no such thing as knowing anything, I am not referring to that philosophical skepticism. They are fun questions to ask but they have taken us nowhere to further understanding anything about our universe.
A philosophical outlook on skepticism is useless because of science. We can finally assert that there are some things that are absolutely true whether or not anyone believes in them. 
Facts are true to the universe we inhabit, whether or not our universe is actually real is irrelevant.

How can we believe in things that are not true?

In understanding why people believe in things in the first place we have to understand the purpose for why our brains malfunction in this manner and why we even need science in order to discern between fact and fiction.

In the early staged of human evolution when we were all African’s striving for our survival as a species against all the dangers of Earth, this particular malfunction was very useful to ensuring our probability to stay alive.
Hypothetically: If you were to hear a rustle in the woods, with no knowledge of what is causing the rustle sound, the dangers of proving the cause greatly outweighs the need to know for certain. So it was safer to assume or believe it was a dangerous predator than just the wind. Whether or not it was a dangerous predator is not important because it was better to err on the side of assuming the wind was a dangerous predator than it was to assume a dangerous predator was just the wind, that’s how you end up being lion food.
Our brains haven’t evolved much in regards to being capable in believing things that are false. 
Our brains have tendency to see patterns or significance in things that hold none, or assume greater significance because it used to be greater to err on that end than the other.
We sometimes find too many patterns (Seeing over significance about a coincidental event), or refusing to see a pattern when there is one. (being overly skeptical)

Why be skeptical?
We can explain why we believe in things that are false, we can also determine things that are true, how could one persist in delusion when they know they're in one?

We can trust science:
We can use (The Scientific Method) to determine fallacy or fact which is designed to not let human perception interfere and get in the way of the truth.
Science is fact whether or not anyone believes in it. 

To be a skeptic you must first value truth (which is really just: whatever is really the case), ask the right questions, look for the evidence, throw out claims that have no evidence backing them, and accept the evidence when there is evidence.

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Armageddon: Will Bruce Willis save us all?

- - humbugfighter

Are asteroids going to wipe us out?

Most of you have seen the film “Armageddon” starring Bruce Willis along with a delightful cast of colorful characters working in the oil industry who saved the planet from an asteroid impact by flying to it and blowing it up.

There’s a lot of humbug surrounding asteroids and impact threats posed by them and due to the excitement of the recent asteroid DA-14 passing (150 feet, 45 meters in diameter) there’s a lot of speculation if something of that magnitude will hit Earth and wipe out the human race entirely.
Out of all the humbug that’s out there scaring people with end of the world scenarios and religious dogmatic interpretations of threats to convince people of some sort of rapture occurring, this scare actually does hold some merit. We have a very good reason to be concerned about asteroids hitting us. After all, an asteroid really helped wipe out the dinosaurs, there was multiple factors that caused their extinction but it certainly would not  have occurred when it did without the asteroid.

According to there are approximately 4,700 potentially dangerous asteroids that orbit near Earth.

I know you’re probably in a state of panic and sweating profusely so allow me to ease your worries.

The average amount of time for an 
asteroid capable of global disaster would hit us on average every 1,000 centuries. Comets of the same scale hit even less frequently every 5,000 centuries.

The earliest risk we have could take place in the year 2036 and scientists have been able to predict the asteroids trajectory and have confirmed that it will not hit Earth. If an asteroid were going to threaten Earth, we would be given several years notice and with certainty be able to predict that it is actually going to hit us, we will have that amount of time to figure out how to keep it from doing so.

They will not be sending anyone, especially Bruce Willis to an asteroid to blow it up. It would send a million smaller pieces crashing down to Earth which could potentially cause more damage. 
Scientists would send a craft into space to basically “push” the asteroid out of its trajectory. They are actually already working on this problem and NASA intends to send astronauts to land on an asteroid where they will do a lot of research on various things but one of those things would be to learn more about them so we can prevent disaster in the future.

Hypothetical Scenario:
Let’s say in 75 years there is an asteroid headed for Earth and we are not able to push it out of the way, it would most likely land in the Pacific Ocean. This would cause a massive rush of tidal waves that would go over the coastline by 100-150 ft or so, the tides would recede and be pushed back in a series of tidal waves going over the same spot multiple times, receding more and more each time.  It would surely devastate the coastline. With that kind of long term notice, we could safely evacuate all of the empty million dollar Malibu homes. 

Here’s some statistics for comparison,
Approximately every 13 minutes a human being dies from an automobile crash. 
So you are probably NOT going to die from an asteroid collision.
So next time you hear about some Mayan prophecy or end of the world rapture concerning asteroids impacting Earth, be skeptical.

On a lighter note, asteroids don’t have to be disliked and feared, they’re actually delightful cosmic bodies. Asteroids might be the last saving grace while Earth’s resources become more scarce and depleted. There are currently two privately owned companies, engineering and designing methods to which we will mine asteroids for water, precious metal, and other natural energy.
Watch the video below from Planetary Resources.

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The real reason why you can't accomplish anything

- - humbugfighter

"The science behind (NOT) accomplishing your goals"

Do you ever find yourself setting a goal, running to all of your friends and family and telling them what you plan to do for their "support" but end up not actually accomplish them?
There's scientific claims that perhaps everything you've heard about all of the goal setting claims out there could be dead wrong and perhaps that's the reason why you can't get anything done!

88% of resolutions fail and a lot of people look to find something that will help them accomplish their goals.

There's a lot of humbug out there!

For instance, the Laws of Attraction claims that somehow just your "vibrations" of wanting something will make it happen. Because of this "fact", clearly telling everyone else you know too will only help it become a reality more!
Try telling that to a third world community when they say "I want food." 
I hope you see why this is insulting. There is absolutely no science to back up this claim that somehow your thoughts attract certain events outside of your brain. That's not the case at all and that idea comes from a few "Life Coaches" who listen to Deepak Chopra and his new age pseudoscience of Quantum Mechanics. This new trend is definitely a derivative of those new age ideas, and using these gimmicks actually may produce the opposite effect of what you want.

The fact of the matter is we have advanced quite a lot in the field of neuroscience and we can scientifically study and investigate these human problems and mishaps and understand why they happen and how we can change it.

I saw an interesting TEDTalk on the subject in which Derek Sivers a CEO gives a presentation exhibiting studies that show people that talk about their goals before accomplishing them are less likely to do so and why.

Dopamine acts as your brains motivator, when you desire something it triggers your neurotransmitters and releases dopamine and you begin to feel pleasure from the anticipation of wanting something almost identical to the pleasure of acquiring what you want. 
The difference is that your brain becomes really attached to your possessions and not so attached to goals. 
It may be possible that the more we talk about our goals, the more our brains are convinced we have achieved them and therefore we get less and less dopamine the more we talk about them.

Believing in the false claims made by new age self help media and life coaches is bad for you because it's not a science and the facts actually show that by thinking about what you want over and over again  actually make you feel less motivated and trick your brain into thinking you're closer to your goal than you really are.

A lot of the disappointment that follows by not accomplishing a goal could come from the embarrassment from having told everyone you know and now you feel like it was expected of you and you've made yourself look foolish.
That's motivation enough to keep quiet!
You are probably less likely to accomplish your goals by reading about how other people tell you to accomplish your goals. There are some goals not worth accomplishing, some goals you clearly didn't really want, and some you didn't want for the right reasons.
You will accomplish the goals (most of the time) that assist your needs and some accomplishments that weren't even goals... just accidental awesomeness. There will also be cases in which you actually DID accomplish a goal and found out later it really wasn't what you wanted, so perhaps it's good we fail 88% of the time.

Try to expect a little less from your outcomes and expect more from the process or journey of your actions, it will make your goals worthy of wanting and you will feel even better about accomplishing them. 

(For the evidence of my claims please refer to the Standford study, published in Neuron by Dr. Brian Knutson and site the research conducted by Emily Balcetis and David Dunning, published in the Psychological Science journal)
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The unsinn of Astrology

- - humbugfighter

What is Astrology and why is it nonsense?

Astrology is a belief that astronomical events directly influence human beings. While astrological beliefs have existed for more than 2,000 years in almost every civilization, modern Western cultures have developed the belief that star constellations influence or predict a person's personality and beyond that can predict daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly happenings in that personality type's life due to other cosmic events.

"Okay, but I like to read my horoscope every day... it is sooo me!"
Try an experiment, have a friend buy a newspaper and cut out all of the daily horoscope readings without the signs attached to them. Have your friend keep track of which ones are which and not tell you. Then mix them all up and read them one by one. After reading them, try to pick the one that's yours. You will most likely not pick your own star sign. Let's say you do pick yours, to make sure it's true... you must be able to demonstrate the same results every time. Try the experiment every day for a week. You will not pick yours every time.

(For teachers) Classroom experiment:
Pick any daily horoscope and read it aloud to the class, ask "Raise your hand if you think this is your horoscope." 2/3 of the class will on average raise their hand. If it were a science, 1/12 would raise their hands.

"Astrology is a science!"
Astrology is NOT a science, it perpetuates itself as if it were. Tricking and lying to people about superstition and projecting it to "sound" scientific. If it were a science there would be evidence that astrological claims were true. There is no evidence. In fact there is plenty of evidence that supports that it is false. Making Astrology a very powerful and popular pseudoscience.

"I just read it for fun, how could it be bad?"
It's bad because its a lie. If you know it's not true yet you still "read it for fun", I suppose it cannot hurt you but it is a silly waste of time. If you are interested in space there is a really cool REAL science called Astronomy that can help! Since reality is so much cooler than any make belief crap we've been able to conjure up, you'll be entertained forever.
The reason it is bad for believers is that if you were to be going through an issue in your life and you turn to your horoscope for answers, since it isn't based on fact you might be taking really horrible advice and make poor decisions that can hurt other people.
It is also bad because believing in astrology makes you scientifically illiterate and not very smart. It's always better to be intelligent, otherwise you'll just let yourself be fooled by harmful lies your whole life.

"I usually base my relationships on horoscopes, is that bad?"
It's only as bad as racism. So depending on how you feel about judging other people's personalities by the conditions in which they were born with no control... then... yeah.
 Taking advice that isn't true is pretty unfair to your and your almost loved one. You might just pass up a really awesome relationship with someone whom might actually value you because your sun signs weren't "compatible". 

Hilarious Fact: Your "Sign" is not actually "Your Sign"
If astrology believers spent a little more time learning astronomy (real science), they might learn that all the sun signs you're supposedly born under... is actually not the same anymore. Oh, and there's actually 14, technically. Due to Earth's precession of the equinox, how the Earth actually rotates, the sun sign you were actually born under is off by one sign. So.... I suppose astrologers could fix that easily but that would mean assigning billions of believers new signs... and that would be admitting they made a mistake which if it were a real science you'd probably want to correct a mistake you know is there. Astrologers prefer to ignore those pesky details.

"Why is it important to know the facts?"
The interest in astrology seems to be the psychological or emotional need to feel personally connected with the cosmos. It's important to know real science instead of this pseudoscience because that inherent interest you have that drew you to it in the first place is so essential to the existence of our species. The reality of your connection with the cosmos is by far more complex, exciting, and more significant that any pseudo-scientific explanation could derive.
90% of you is made up of 90% of the stuff in the cosmos. 
You are literally the remnant of a supernova star that exploded. 
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What is a Black Hole?

- - humbugfighter

Why Black holes are awesome and why we need them.

"Why does it matter?"
It matters! In fact it matters to matter so much that you probably wouldn't exist without the existence of black holes.
A Black Hole is a place in space where there is so much gravity caused by matter that is so compact that even light cannot escape.

"How did they get there?" 
Thanks to Einstein's General Relativity we can understand that a sun will distort space time around it more and more the more compact and massive it is.
Once that star begins to die and run out of its nuclear fuel, it gets cold and shrinks, leaving a bottomless hole in space time.
(If you don't understand GR, worry not! There will be a post about it.)
The early universe right after the big bang was probably full of many black holes.
They might help give birth to galaxies! That's cool!

"How does a destructive black hole create stuff?"
The secret is in Quasars;
They are the brightest light in the universe and can outshine entire galaxies!

A black hole at the center of a young galaxy sucks up a lot of gas. Once it fills up too much and all the gas becomes heated due to its fast movement, it lets out a burp (because gas makes you burp) called a "Quasar" and spits out the gas. The quasar will run out of gas to feed on and eventually cool down and turn into a supermassive black hole. Black holes and Quasars are key to understanding how galaxies form! Scientists have recently discovered that black holes that turn into quasars and release huge jets of energy have actually helped create stars. So now we must ask if quasars help create all galaxies or do galaxies create quasars? Right now the answer seems to be yes to both... until further notice. 

In my humble opinion:
(My thought is that all galaxies have black holes at the center, which create quasars, which heat other parts of the universe and help create stars, which may turn into black holes and create new galaxies. Sort of like a space reproductive system!)

"Can they kill us?"
Sure! If you get really close to one and pass through the Event Horizon, the part of your body that's closest would have a huge gravitational pull much larger than the other half of your body... turning you into the literal flying spaghetti monster. Then the pull of gravity would increase as you approach so much that your body would just be ripped into tiny particles. If someone were watching you from afar, they might not be able to see you actually go into a black hole. You would appear to be slowing down and hovering the invisible mass.

But that's not going to happen. Don't worry. 

In fact there is a supermassive black hole at the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy! 

"How do you know?"
Scientists use powerful telescopes that by using knowledge from discoveries in optics, can detect light and other energy invisible to the naked eye. They can look to the center of our galaxy and see that things are moving really fast around a single point, since black holes are invisible, we have to observe the matter and energy around one in order to notice they are there, unless there is a quasar we can see.

Common Misconception: "Black holes are giant cosmic vacuums!"
False: The truth is actually much weirder than that. You'd have to be within 10km of a black hole before you'd even start spiraling into it.
In fact if our sun was replaced by a black hole of the same mass, the orbits of all the planets would not change. 

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