What is skepticism?

Skepticism is holding a questioning attitude towards anything perpetuating itself to be a fact.

While it is a philosophical approach that some suggest is a viewpoint that questions how knowledge is obtained, limitations of knowledge and the human capacity to “know” and perhaps that there is no such thing as knowing anything, I am not referring to that philosophical skepticism. They are fun questions to ask but they have taken us nowhere to further understanding anything about our universe.
A philosophical outlook on skepticism is useless because of science. We can finally assert that there are some things that are absolutely true whether or not anyone believes in them. 
Facts are true to the universe we inhabit, whether or not our universe is actually real is irrelevant.

How can we believe in things that are not true?

In understanding why people believe in things in the first place we have to understand the purpose for why our brains malfunction in this manner and why we even need science in order to discern between fact and fiction.

In the early staged of human evolution when we were all African’s striving for our survival as a species against all the dangers of Earth, this particular malfunction was very useful to ensuring our probability to stay alive.
Hypothetically: If you were to hear a rustle in the woods, with no knowledge of what is causing the rustle sound, the dangers of proving the cause greatly outweighs the need to know for certain. So it was safer to assume or believe it was a dangerous predator than just the wind. Whether or not it was a dangerous predator is not important because it was better to err on the side of assuming the wind was a dangerous predator than it was to assume a dangerous predator was just the wind, that’s how you end up being lion food.
Our brains haven’t evolved much in regards to being capable in believing things that are false. 
Our brains have tendency to see patterns or significance in things that hold none, or assume greater significance because it used to be greater to err on that end than the other.
We sometimes find too many patterns (Seeing over significance about a coincidental event), or refusing to see a pattern when there is one. (being overly skeptical)

Why be skeptical?
We can explain why we believe in things that are false, we can also determine things that are true, how could one persist in delusion when they know they're in one?

We can trust science:
We can use (The Scientific Method) to determine fallacy or fact which is designed to not let human perception interfere and get in the way of the truth.
Science is fact whether or not anyone believes in it. 

To be a skeptic you must first value truth (which is really just: whatever is really the case), ask the right questions, look for the evidence, throw out claims that have no evidence backing them, and accept the evidence when there is evidence.

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