The Moon Landings
Debunking the Hoax

You've all heard or maybe you believe that we've never landed on the moon, that it was a staged hoax in a desperate attempt to get there before the Russians did after the Sputnik moment. Nearly 25% of Americans believe we've never been to the moon.

What is so compelling about this theory?

It's typical pseudo-history, as long as you can make a documentary that looks real, anything is believable.
This is what you would call irrational skepticism; let's take it claim by claim.

The flag was waving.

No. It wasn't. The flag was attached to a L shaped pole called the Lunar Flag Assembly. It moved when the astronauts were assembling the flag due to their movement, similar to a pendulum, the flag was also wrinkled and many of the ripples are actually misinterpreted wrinkles.

The photos contain mistakes and anomalies.

Many claim that certain cross hairs are in the wrong place or that they see "prop" markings on rocks. It's probably a hair that got attached to the photo, in all of the original photos there are none of these imperfections. The cross hairs were altered due to altering the photo to increase its appearance.

The cameras would have been foggy due to radiation.

The cameras were contained in a metal box that stopped the fogging of the film's emulsion.

They couldn't have survived the radiation.

The astronauts were shielded by the alumminium hulls of the craft, their trajectory through the belts was selected because of its lower levels of radiation. 

They were using harnesses to appear to be in a low gravity environment.

This has been debunked by demonstration repeatedly; check out myth-busters. No one has been able to recreate the same appearance using the same technology of the day.

Moon rocks are identical to those found in Antarctica.

The rocks from the Moon brought back by astronauts are distinctly different from those found on Earth. Those found on Earth have been oxidized from their entry into our atmosphere. Geologists have examined this and have all agreed (due to this noticeable difference) that these rocks really have come from the Moon.

The foot prints couldn't have been preserved.

There is no wind on the moon, their foot prints on in very fine dust that feels a little like damp sand, that's how they were able to create footprints and them be preserved even until now.

There were no stars.

There were stars, just unseen due to the fact it occurred during lunar mornings, the sun was shining too brightly for them to be seen.

The U.S. had motive for faking the Moon landings.

The U.S. did have motivation to go to the Moon, to compete in the space race against the USSR, they had launched Sputnik and we feared their technology would advance more quickly than our own. We wanted to be first, which is why we actually did go to the Moon. There would be reason to not try to pull off a hoax because if found out, that would mean great failure. If the motivation for hoaxing this, and actually going are the same, then you can't automatically assume it was a hoax. The entire facet of NASA was created from the same motivation, and to fake the moon landings, that would require thousands of people behind the hoax to "keep quiet", even Nixon couldn't get away with a handful of people stealing a few files. It is absurd to think he or anyone else would get away with this.

We had many rovers on the Moon before we had any manned missions. We had a lot of preparation before we went. Similarly we put a rover on Mars and are making plans on sending a manned spacecraft once we overcome the issues of long term space travel. We have astronauts living on the ISS for long periods of time. It seems absurd that we didn't have the capability of sending a man on the Moon.

How do you know it really happened?

Besides the proof of moon rocks, the countless evidence provided by third parties and other groups outside of the government that tracked Apollo missions for fun, or

this picture of the moon taken from a telescope to prove that we really landed,

The most compelling evidence that we for certain... landed on the moon would be...

Astronauts left laser reflectors on the moon in order to measure the rate that the Moon is receding away from Earth. We know it's moving away from us at 3.8 centimeters per year. If you're an amateur astronomer, college student, or you work for NASA, it's easy to prove the existence of these laser retro-reflectors.
The only thing that conspiracy theorists can't explain away, is their existence. They will try to claim it was from unmanned missions however it took 3 manned missions to bring up all the equipment and assemble it. If you look at the reflectors, it requires human assembly.

We landed on the moon and that is awesome.

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